What is Community Club Awards?
Specifically, it’s a co-operative advertising, merchandising and public relations campaign involving the channeled purchasing power of area non-profit clubs and service organizations. The campaign is conducted by aggressive, civic minded radio or television stations; cable systems; newspapers, supermarkets or merchant-associations throughout the world in the best interests of the media; local and national advertisers, area non-profit clubs and service organizations and the community in general.
To The Advertiser?
A high visibility, direct-to-consumer, media-merchandising and community public-relations campaign that advertises, promotes, publicizes and sells local, regional and national products and services to America’s most important customer and group purchasing agent, the involved and active club person! Through channeled purchasing the CCA Campaign harnesses the club members, their family and friends, personally and emotionally to buying from and selling for participating advertisers! The best evaluation of media performance and ‘accountability’ is advertiser “proofs-of-purchase”! BILLIONS & BILLIONS of dollars in advertiser “proof-of-purchase” have been turned-in to the media, reported bi-weekly to over 50,000 different advertisers spanning over 550 advertiser product and service categories. Over $300 million in a single 13 week Campaign.
To The Clubs & Organizations
CCA is a thoroughly pleasant, stimulating, exciting and fun-way for area nonprofit clubs and organizations to earn money for club treasuries. The competition is a tremendous building of “team-spirit” which is so necessary in any organization. Obviously, no endorsements are asked or required and CCA is completely without cost for club competition.
The Mechanics of CCA
As an inducement the media conducting the campaign offers to area non-profit clubs and service organizations amounts of money usually ranging from $5,000 to $50,000 predicated on the size of the town, city or area involved. Sixty percent of the money is broken down between 5 and 20 awards per week which are awarded to participating organizations weekly. The remaining forty percent is paid in Grand Final Awards at the conclusion of the campaign.
The CCA licensee implements the operation of the campaign, by hiring a motivated and skilled individual active in club and civic affairs, as its Community Club Awards Director. The CCA Director arranges and invites the President or Ways and Means Chairperson of all area clubs to a “Coffee-Party” or what we call a “Kick-Off”. This initial meeting takes place 6 to 8 weeks prior to the start of the campaign. Here the campaign is outlined in great detail to club officers who are invited to register their clubs for participation. At the conclusion of the media selling period, immediately prior to the start of the campaign, the media publishes and distributes at a “Training-Meeting” attended by newly appointed CCA Club Chairpersons and assistants, an attractive, colorful, pocket/purse-sized “Buyer’s Guide”, that in addition to the campaign rules and regulations, carries a full page ad for each participating advertiser. The advertiser’s ad documents his product or services and indicates the item(s) club members accumulate as “proofs-of-purchase”. Buyer’s Guide press-runs have ranged from 6,000 in Pocatello, Idaho to over a million in New York. It may be said that each Buyer’s Guide represents a family as the media only prints the exact number requested by the then appointed club(s) CCA Chairperson(s). Each club is encouraged to enlist the active support, through individual distribution of Buyer’s Guides to members, their relatives, friends and neighbors.
The awarding of money is all based on “proofs-of-purchase” — from UPC codes to box tops, cans, bottle caps, labels, receipts — or other predetermined evidence of performance. All “proofs-of-purchase” is computed 100 CCA points per dollar spent. To simplify bookkeeping and “weight” small-ticket items, soft drink, chewing-gum, soap — food products —Bonus Points are established. For example, a bottle cap may be “worth” 100 points each; bread wrappers, 200 points, etc. All these “proofs-of-purchase” are turned-in to the media in bi-weekly competition. To over simplify, the club that turns in the highest “Dollar Volume” (actual cash value plus Bonus Points) earns first place, second place, etc.
In order that both large and small clubs may compete on an equal basis, awards are alternated weekly on a “Dollar Volume” and “Per Capita” basis. All CCA Cash Awards are duplicated in amount and number for both club categories. Additionally, to every club that does not earn a cash award the media guarantees a “Participating Award” on the basis of $1.00 per $1,000 of “Proofs-of-Purchase” turned in. All advertisers will present two additional Cash Awards (to both large & small clubs) that turn-in the most of each advertiser’s “P-O-P.” Every club earns and profits in direct proportion to its own effort!
To participate, the advertiser simply buys a media package through normal channels, either directly, or through an advertising agency, placed with media’s national representative, a specific spot schedule on a firm non-cancelable basis for the length of the campaign. (Most are 13 weeks.) There is a minimal premium rate charged. There are, however, no additional extra charges for printing of Buyer’s Guides, point of sale material, couponing, etc.
Merchandising opportunities, CCA Speaker’s Bureau, sampling, surveys, testing, forced distribution, demonstration, etc, are limitless to the aggressive advertiser without additional cost.
There are in the United States alone, over 50,000,000 Clubpersons. Over 75% of these clubpersons are head of the family and either spend or directly influence the spending of approximately 84% of the family’s spendable income. Prior to the development of CCA, these clubs and organizations represented the largest, most influential, untapped sales and merchandising force in the world!
With CCA, market by market, these devoted and dedicated church and club people, their family, friends and neighbors are welded together into a reservoir or buying power that can be directed toward specific products and services that are listed as participants in the CCA Buyer’s Guide. With over six decades of experience, Community Club Awards has conducted over 6,000 campaigns in over 1,000 markets, worldwide. CCA has generated tens of millions of dollars for non-profit clubs and organizations.